Friday, April 12, 2024

Gallery Artist 24

Exhibition install

The work submitted in the exhibition comes from an ongoing body of work that examines the construction of the individual what is called, “ethical substance” forms stripped of flesh/skin (a recurring motif) skin often an identifier that informs stereotypes; to explore our internal territories which forms the basis of our existential angst, the pursuit of happiness, and the desire to correct our own self-imposed ethical dilemma. Through intentions and actions both consciously and unconsciously we act based on our perceived reality of this ethical substance. The work therefore serves as a mirror of the interconnectedness of our collective and shared histories.

Exhibition Install

Contours of Memory

An Unstructured Mess (2016)

Contours of Memory” is an exhibition that opened at Montague Contemporary February 1, 2024 and concluded 20 March 2024. It spans artistic expression from the past four decades, showcasing the transformative power of African art in shaping cultural narratives. I exhibited alongside works from El Anatsui, Oladélé Ajiboyé Bamgboyé, Merikokeb Berhanu, Victor Ekpuk, William Kentridge, Wole Lagunju, and Tesfaye Urgessa. Contours of Memory, is an immersive journey into the heart of African storytelling celebrating the rich tapestry of African life and culture, woven together by the unique artistic languages of these seven artists. The show stands as a testament to the enduring spirit and evolving narrative of the continent, inviting viewers to explore and reflect on the multifaceted experiences of African identity. my work in this exhibition confronts viewers with the complexities of the human condition within societal constructs, echoing themes of existentialism.